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Selenium - Get elements html rather Text Value


Via that code i have extracted all desired text out of a html document

private void RunThroughSearch(string url) {     private IWebDriver driver;     driver = new FirefoxDriver();     INavigation nav = driver.Navigate();     nav.GoToUrl(url);      var div = driver.FindElement(By.Id("results"));     var element = driver.FindElements(By.ClassName("sa_wr")); } 

though as i need to refine results of extracted document

Container     HEADER -> Title of a given block     Url -> Link to the relevant block     text -> body of a given block /Container 

as u can see in my code i am able to get the value of the text part as a text value , that was fine, but what if i want to have the value of the container as HTML and not the extracted text ?

<div class="container">     <div class="Header"> Title...</div>     <div class="Url"> www.example.co.il</div>     <div class="ResConent"> bla.. </div> </div> 

so the container is about 10 times in a page i need to extract it's innerHtml .

any ideas ? (using Selenium)

like image 248
LoneXcoder Avatar asked May 31 '13 16:05


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1 Answers

This seemed to work for me, and is less code:

var element = driver.FindElement(By.ClassName("sa_wr")); var innerHtml = element.GetAttribute("innerHTML"); 
like image 67
Oli Wennell Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Oli Wennell