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selenium clear() command doesn't clear the element

I have been writing selenium scripts for a while in Java. I encountered a very weird issue today. Here is the issue:

I cleared a text field using webelement.clear() method, later while executing next command (click event), the text area I had previously cleared, is now populated with previously filled value.

Here is the code snippet:

like image 391
karthikeya acharya Avatar asked Jun 04 '18 09:06

karthikeya acharya

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1 Answers

I don't know the exact reason for your element keeping its value, but you can try an alternative text clearance by sending 'Ctrl+A+Delete' key combination using sendKeys method of the element's object:

emailAddress.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL,"a", Keys.DELETE));
like image 69
AutomatedOwl Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10
