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Select/map each item of a Powershell array to a new array

I have an array of file names in Powershell, and I would like to prepend a path to each of them and get the result in a new array.

In C# I could do this using Linq...

var files = new string[] { "file1.txt", "file2.txt" }; var path = @"c:\temp\"; var filesWithPath = files.Select(f => path + f).ToArray(); 

But what is the idiomatic way to do this in Powershell? It looks like there is a foreach syntax I could use, but I figure there must be a more concise, functional way to do it.

like image 869
Jon Rimmer Avatar asked Jan 18 '12 10:01

Jon Rimmer

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1 Answers

An array in Powershell is declared with @() syntax. % is shorthand for foreach-object. Let's declare an array with all the file names and loop through it with foreach. join-path combines a path and a child path into a single path.

$files = @("file1.txt", "file2.txt") $pFiles = $files | % {join-path "c:\temp" $_ } $pFiles 


c:\temp\file1.txt c:\temp\file2.txt 

NB: if the input consists of single an element, foreach will not return a collection. If an array is desired, either use explicit type or wrap the results. Like so,

[array]$pFiles = $files | % {join-path "c:\temp" $_ } $pFiles = @($files | % {join-path "c:\temp" $_ }) 
like image 103
vonPryz Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09
