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selection of features using PCA

I am doing unsupervised classification. For this I have 8 features (Variance of Green, Std. div. of Green , Mean of Red, Variance of Red, Std. div. of Red, Mean of Hue, Variance of Hue, Std. div. of Hue) for classification per image and I want to select 3 most significant features using PCA. I have written the following code for feature selection (where dimension of feature is : 179X8) :

for c=1:size(feature,1)

DataCov=cov(feature); % covariance matrix
[PC,variance,explained] = pcacov(DataCov)

This gives me :

PC =

0.0038   -0.0114    0.0517    0.0593    0.0039    0.3998    0.9085   -0.0922
0.0755   -0.1275    0.6339    0.6824   -0.3241   -0.0377   -0.0641    0.0052
0.7008    0.7113   -0.0040    0.0496   -0.0207    0.0042    0.0012    0.0002
0.0007   -0.0012    0.0051    0.0101    0.0272    0.0288    0.0873    0.9953
0.0320   -0.0236    0.1521    0.2947    0.9416   -0.0142   -0.0289   -0.0266
0.7065   -0.6907   -0.1282   -0.0851    0.0060    0.0003    0.0010   -0.0001
0.0026   -0.0037    0.0632   -0.0446    0.0053    0.9125   -0.4015    0.0088
0.0543   -0.0006    0.7429   -0.6574    0.0838   -0.0705    0.0311   -0.0001

variance =


explained =


This means first principle component has 94.9% variance explained and so on ... but these are in order of most to least significant. How can I know which features (from 1 to 8) to be selected based on above information.

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Dev Avatar asked Nov 09 '12 13:11


People also ask

Can I use PCA for feature selection?

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a popular linear feature extractor used for unsupervised feature selection based on eigenvectors analysis to identify critical original features for principal component.

Should I do feature selection before PCA?

Typically a Feature Selection step comes after the PCA (with a optimization parameter describing the number of features and Scaling comes before PCA. However, depending on the problem this my change. You might want to apply PCA only on a subset of features. Some Algorithms don't require the data to be normalized etc.

Is PCA filter method for feature selection?

PCA is an unsupervised linear transformation technique. It is another way to reduce dimensionality — be careful though, in this method we do not choose features, we instead transform the feature space by projecting the data into a lower-dimensional space while preserving maximum variance.

2 Answers

Your problem is the same as the COLUMNSELECT problem discussed by Mahoney and Drineas in "CUR matrix decompositions for improved data analysis".

They first compute the leverage scores for each dimension and then selects 3 of them randomly using the leverage scores as weights. Alternatively, you can select the largest ones. Here's the script for your problem:

I first got a real nature image from the web and resized it to the dimensions you ask. The image is as follows:


%# Example data from real image of size 179x8
%# You can skip it for your own data
features = im2double(rgb2gray(imread('img.png')));

%# m samples, n dimensions
[m,n] = size(features);

Then, compute the centralized data:

%# Remove the mean
features = features - repmat(mean(features,2), 1, size(features,2));

I use SVD to compute PCA since it gives you both the principal components and the coefficients. If the samples are in columns, then U holds the principal components. Check the second page of this paper for the relationship.

%# Compute the SVD
[U,S,V] = svd(features);

The key idea here is that we want to get the dimensions having most of the variation. And an assumption is that there's some noise in data. We select only the dominant eigenvectors, e.g. representing the 95% of the data.

%# Compute the number of eigenvectors representing
%#  the 95% of the variation
coverage = cumsum(diag(S));
coverage = coverage ./ max(coverage);
[~, nEig] = max(coverage > 0.95);

Then the leverage scores are computed using nEig of the principal components. That is, we take the norm of the nEig coefficients.

%# Compute the norms of each vector in the new space
norms = zeros(n,1);
for i = 1:n
    norms(i) = norm(V(i,1:nEig))^2;

Then, we can sort the leverage scores:

%# Get the largest 3
[~, idx] = sort(norms);

and get the indices of the vectors with the largest leverage scores:

ans =
   6     8     5

You can check the paper for more details.

But, keep in mind that PCA-based technique is good if you have many many dimensions. In your case, the search space is very small. My advice is to search exhaustively in the space and get the best selection as @amit recommends.

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petrichor Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 02:10


PCA is actually generating a set of new features, each is a linear transformation from the original elements.

Thus, the vector you get cannot directly be translated to the features you need to chose in order to get this variance- it just creates a new feature based on the originals.
In your case, you get:

New_Feature = 0.038*F1 + 0.0755*F2 + 0.7008*F3 + ... + 0.0543*F8

This New_Feature gives you 94.9471% information gain, despite the dimensionality reduction.
(And if you do the same for the next principle comopnents and use them as well, you obviously increase your information gain)

If you need to get a subset of the originals, and not create new features - I would have used other methods instead of PCA.

Genetic Algorithms are usually pretty good for subset selection, and if your set of features only include 8 features - you could also consider brute force search - there are only 28=256 possible subsets. It might be possible in some cases to try all subsets and see what gives you the best performance.

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amit Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 01:10
