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Selecting text in an element (akin to highlighting with your mouse)

I would like to have users click a link, then it selects the HTML text in another element (not an input).

By "select" I mean the same way you would select text by dragging your mouse over it. This has been a bear to research because everyone talks about "select" or "highlight" in other terms.

Is this possible? My code so far:


<a href="javascript:" onclick="SelectText('xhtml-code')">Select Code</a> <code id="xhtml-code">Some Code here </code> 


function SelectText(element) {     $("#" + element).select(); } 

Am I missing something blatantly obvious?

like image 924
Jason Avatar asked Jun 12 '09 06:06


1 Answers

Plain Javascript

function selectText(node) {      node = document.getElementById(node);        if (document.body.createTextRange) {          const range = document.body.createTextRange();          range.moveToElementText(node);          range.select();      } else if (window.getSelection) {          const selection = window.getSelection();          const range = document.createRange();          range.selectNodeContents(node);          selection.removeAllRanges();          selection.addRange(range);      } else {          console.warn("Could not select text in node: Unsupported browser.");      }  }    const clickable = document.querySelector('.click-me');  clickable.addEventListener('click', () => selectText('target'));
<div id="target"><p>Some text goes here!</p><p>Moar text!</p></div>  <p class="click-me">Click me!</p>

Here is a working demo. For those of you looking for a jQuery plugin, I made one of those too.

jQuery (original answer)

I have found a solution for this in this thread. I was able to modify the info given and mix it with a bit of jQuery to create a totally awesome function to select the text in any element, regardless of browser:

function SelectText(element) {     var text = document.getElementById(element);     if ($.browser.msie) {         var range = document.body.createTextRange();         range.moveToElementText(text);         range.select();     } else if ($.browser.mozilla || $.browser.opera) {         var selection = window.getSelection();         var range = document.createRange();         range.selectNodeContents(text);         selection.removeAllRanges();         selection.addRange(range);     } else if ($.browser.safari) {         var selection = window.getSelection();         selection.setBaseAndExtent(text, 0, text, 1);     } } 
like image 75
Jason Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 10:09
