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Selecting max() of multiple columns




Ok, here's my table:

product_id  version_id  update_id  patch_id
  1           1           0          0
  1           1           1          0
  1           1           1          1
  1           1           2          0
  1           1           2          1
  2           1           0          0
  2           2           0          0
  2           3           0          0
  2           3           0          1
  3           1           0          0
  3           1           0          1

Now I want to select the latest version of a product, so the version with the highest update_id & patch_id.

For example, the latest version of

  • product 1 should return 1, 2, 1
  • product 2 should return 3, 0, 1
  • product 3 should return 1, 0, 1

I was trying all kinds of stuff with GROUP BY and HAVING, tried subqueries, but I still can't figure out a way to accomplish this.

Can anybody help me out to find the right query, or should I think of writing a php function for this?


Some additional info: - The columns together are the primary key (there are more colums, but for this problem they don't matter) - None of the columns is auto-increment

This is the table:

`product_id` INT NOT NULL ,
`version_id` INT NOT NULL ,
`update_id` INT NOT NULL ,
`patch_id` INT NOT NULL
PRIMARY KEY (`product_id`, `version_id`, `update_id`, `patch_id`) ,
INDEX `fk_patch_update1` (`product_id` ASC, `version_id` ASC, `update_id` ASC) )

Edit 2

Flagged as duplicate, it is not: The other question looks for records higher than a value for any of the three different columns.

In this question we look for the highest version number grouped by the product_id.

Edit 3

rgz's answer tells me again that this is a duplicate. First of all: this question is older. Secondly, I don't think the answer is the same.

rgz suggests using the following query:

SELECT product_id, GREATEST(version_id, update_id, patch_id) AS latest_version FROM patch.

GREATEST(1,2,3) returns 3, right? Wat if we have these values:

  product_id  version_id  update_id  patch_id
  1           1           0          0
  1           1           2          8
  1           3           0          0

As I understand, this query wil return:

  product_id  latest_version
  1                 1
  1                 8
  1                 3

But it should return:

  product_id  version_id update_id  patch_id
  1           3          0          0

I don't think GREATEST could help. If you think it will, please prove me wrong.

like image 308
Scuba Kay Avatar asked Dec 14 '11 17:12

Scuba Kay

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The MySQL Solution If you're working with MySQL, you can combine MAX() with the GREATEST() function to get the biggest value from two or more fields. Here's the syntax for GREATEST: GREATEST(value1,value2,...) Given two or more arguments, it returns the largest (maximum-valued) argument.

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Discussion: To find the max value of a column, use the MAX() aggregate function; it takes as its argument the name of the column for which you want to find the maximum value. If you have not specified any other columns in the SELECT clause, the maximum will be calculated for all records in the table.

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To select multiple columns from a table, simply separate the column names with commas! For example, this query selects two columns, name and birthdate , from the people table: SELECT name, birthdate FROM people; Sometimes, you may want to select all columns from a table.

1 Answers

This is one example of when unique identifers come in useful.

Imagine you have an autoincrememnting ID field, you can then find the id you want for each product by using a correlated sub-query...

  id = (
        SELECT   id
        FROM     yourTable AS lookup
        WHERE    lookup.product_id = yourTable.product_id
        ORDER BY version_id DESC, update_id DESC, patch_id DESC
        LIMIT    1

The equivalent without a unique identifer requires multiple correlated sub-queries...

     version_id = (
                   SELECT   MAX(version_id)
                   FROM     yourTable AS lookup
                   WHERE    lookup.product_id = yourTable.product_id
  AND update_id = (
                   SELECT   MAX(update_id)
                   FROM     yourTable AS lookup
                   WHERE    lookup.product_id = yourTable.product_id
                     AND    lookup.version_id = yourTable.version_id
  AND patch_id  = (
                   SELECT   MAX(patch_id)
                   FROM     yourTable AS lookup
                   WHERE    lookup.product_id = yourTable.product_id
                     AND    lookup.version_id = yourTable.version_id
                     AND    lookup.update_id  = yourTable.update_id

This would be significantly slower than on a table with a unique identifier column.

Another alternative (without a unique identifier) is to self-join on different levels of aggregation.

  (SELECT product_id, MAX(version_id) AS max_version_id FROM yourTable GROUP BY product_id) AS version
  (SELECT product_id, version_id, MAX(update_id) AS max_update_id FROM yourTable GROUP BY product_id, version_id) AS update
    ON  update.product_id = version.product_id
    AND update.version_id = version.max_version_id
  (SELECT product_id, version_id, updatE_id, MAX(patch_id) AS max_patch_id FROM yourTable GROUP BY product_id, version_id) AS patch
    ON  patch.product_id = update.product_id
    AND patch.version_id = update.version_id
    AND patch.update_id  = update.max_update_id
    ON  yourTable.product_id = patch.product_id
    AND yourTable.version_id = patch.version_id
    AND yourTable.update_id  = patch.update_id
    AND yourTable.patch_id   = patch.max_patch_id
like image 82
MatBailie Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 12:10
