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Select2() is not a function

So i have downloaded select2 i have "installed it" by putting it into my folder and then loaded it on my site when i check the console (where i can see all of the scripts being loaded) i can see the file select2.js

I went to their documentation and copied it and added $("#e9").select2();

However when i load the page i get the following error:

TypeError: $(...).select2 is not a function


Have anyone else experianced anything like this?

Additional information here is my script:

    var max_amount = parseFloat($('#max_amount').val());
    $( "#item_amount" ).keyup(function() {
           if($(this).val() > max_amount){
            $(this).val( max_amount);
        if( /\D/.test($(this).val()) ){
            alert('Må kun indeholde tal!');
        if($(this).val()== '0'){
            alert('Må ikke være 0!');

function addToBasket(){
    var amount = $('#item_amount').val();
    if(amount == ""){
        amount = 1;

    if(amount > 0){
        type: 'POST',
        url: myBaseUrl + 'Products/addItemToBasket',
        dataType: 'json',
        data: {
            id: window.location.pathname.substring(window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1),
            amount: amount
        success: function (data) {
            var urlToBasket = myBaseUrl+'Products/basket';
            var newAmount = parseInt(amount)
            var price = data[0]['Product']['pris'];
            var id = data[0]['Product']['id'];
            var dat = data;
            var tmp_basket_html = $('#basket_amount').html();
           if($('#basket_amount').html() !== " Tom"){
                  "<tr id='"+id+"'>" +
                      "<td class='image'>" +
                      "</td>" +
                      "<td class='name'>" +
                      " "+data[0]['Product']['name'] +
                      "<td class='quantity'>" +
                      "x "+amount +""+
                      "<td class='total'>" +
                      "</td>" +
                      "<td class='remove'>" +
                      "<input class='icon-remove' type='button' onclick='removeItemFromBasket("+id+")'>"+
                   "<ul class='dropdown-menu topcartopen'>"+
                       "<li id='basket_list'>"+
                      "<table id='shopping_table'>"+
                        "<tbody id='shopping_table_body'>"+
                       "<tr id='"+id+"'>" +
                       "<td class='image'>" +
                       "</td>" +
                       "<td class='name'>" +
                       " "+data[0]['Product']['name'] +
                       "<td class='quantity'>" +
                       "x "+amount +""+
                       "<td class='total'>" +
                       "</td>" +
                       "<td class='remove'>" +
                       "<input class='icon-remove' type='button' onclick='removeItemFromBasket("+id+")'>"+
                       "<div class='well pull-right'>"+
                       "<input type='button' onclick='goToBasket()' class='btn btn-success' value='Tjek ud'>"+

    Notifier.success('Vare tilføjet', 'Tilføjet'); // text and title are both optional.
function updateTotal(amount, price){
    var price = parseFloat(price);
    var oldValue = parseFloat($('#basket_total_cost').html());
    var newPrice = amount*price+oldValue;
function updateBasketAmount(){
   var tmp =  $('#basket_amount').html();
   var oldAmount = parseInt(tmp.substr(0,2));
    var i = oldAmount + 1;;
        ""+i+" vare(r)"
            "1"+" vare(r)"
function goToBasket(){
    window.location.href = myBaseUrl+'Products/basket';
like image 635
Marc Rasmussen Avatar asked Nov 17 '13 18:11

Marc Rasmussen

3 Answers

I was having this problem when I started using select2 with XCrud. I solved it by disabling XCrud from loading JQuery, it was it a second time, and loading it below the body tag. So make sure JQuery isn't getting loaded twice on your page.

like image 105
Finbar Dooley Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10

Finbar Dooley

This error raises if your js files where you have bounded the select2 with select box is loading before select2 js files. Please make sure files should be in this order like..

  • Jquery
  • select2 js
  • your js
like image 43
Ashutosh Singh Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10

Ashutosh Singh

Had the same issue. Sorted it by defer loading select2

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/select2/4.0.8/js/select2.min.js" defer></script>
like image 48
Aivis Zvezdovs Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10

Aivis Zvezdovs