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Select single row based on Id in Slick

I want to query a single row from user based on Id. I have following dummy code

case class User(
    id: Option[Int], 
    name: String

object Users extends Table[User]("user") {
  def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
  def name = column[String]("name")
  def * = id ~ name <>(User, User.unapply _)

  def findById(userId: Int)(implicit session: Session): Option[User] = {
    val user = this.map { e => e }.where(u => u.id === userId).take(1)
    val usrList = user.list
    if (usrList.isEmpty) None
    else Some(usrList(0))

It seems to me that findById is a overkill to query a single column as Id is standard primary key. Does anyone knows any better ways? Please note that I am using Play! 2.1.0

like image 245
Khalid Saifullah Avatar asked May 09 '13 11:05

Khalid Saifullah

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A query for deleting must only use a single table - no joins are allowed (Slick does not yet support the USING keyword for deletes). Any projection is ignored (it always deletes full rows). If you need to perform a join, you can filter based on another Query: Inserts are done based on a projection of columns from a single table.

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According to SAP Performance course the SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS is faster than SELECT SINGLE because you are not using all the primary key fields. select single is a construct designed to read database records with primary key.

2 Answers

Use headOption method in Slick 3.*:

  def findById(userId: Int): Future[Option[User]] ={
    db.run(Users.filter(_.id === userId).result.headOption)
like image 188
Saeed Zarinfam Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Saeed Zarinfam

You could drop two lines out of your function by switching from list to firstOption. That would look like this:

def findById(userId: Int)(implicit session: Session): Option[User] = {
  val user = this.map { e => e }.where(u => u.id === userId).take(1)

I believe you also would do your query like this:

def findById(userId: Int)(implicit session: Session): Option[User] = {
  val query = for{
    u <- Users if u.id === userId
  } yield u
like image 27
cmbaxter Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 20:09
