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select random value based on probability chance

How do I select a random row from the database based on the probability chance assigned to each row.

Make        Chance  Value
ALFA ROMEO  0.0024  20000
AUDI        0.0338  35000
BMW         0.0376  40000
CHEVROLET   0.0087  15000
CITROEN     0.016   15000

How do I select random make name and its value based on the probability it has to be chosen.

Would a combination of rand() and ORDER BY work? If so what is the best way to do this?

like image 759
Dharman Avatar asked Nov 07 '15 22:11


1 Answers

You can do this by using rand() and then using a cumulative sum. Assuming they add up to 100%:

select t.*
from (select t.*, (@cumep := @cumep + chance) as cumep
      from t cross join
           (select @cumep := 0, @r := rand()) params
     ) t
where @r between cumep - chance and cumep
limit 1;


  • rand() is called once in a subquery to initialize a variable. Multiple calls to rand() are not desirable.
  • There is a remote chance that the random number will be exactly on the boundary between two values. The limit 1 arbitrarily chooses 1.
  • This could be made more efficient by stopping the subquery when cumep > @r.
  • The values do not have to be in any particular order.
  • This can be modified to handle chances where the sum is not equal to 1, but that would be another question.
like image 90
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 02:10

Gordon Linoff