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Select random row from MySQL (with probability)

I have a MySQL table that has a row called cur_odds which is a percent number with the percent probability that that row will get selected. How do I make a query that will actually select the rows in approximately that frequency when you run through 100 queries for example?

I tried the following, but a row that has a probability of 0.35 ends up getting selected around 60-70% of the time.


All the values of cur_odds in the table add up to 1 exactly.

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James Simpson Avatar asked Apr 26 '10 19:04

James Simpson

1 Answers

If cur_odds is changed rarely you could implement the following algorithm:

1) Create another column prob_sum, for which

prob_sum[0] := cur_odds[0]

for 1 <= i <= row_count - 1:

prob_sum[i] := prob_sum[i - 1] + cur_odds[i]

2) Generate a random number from 0 to 1:

rnd := rand(0,1)

3) Find the first row for which prob_sum > rnd (if you create a BTREE index on the prob_sum, the query should work much faster):

CREATE INDEX prob_sum_ind ON <table> (prob_sum);

SET @rnd := RAND();

SELECT MIN(prob_sum) FROM <table> WHERE prob_sum > @rnd;

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Vitalii Fedorenko Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10

Vitalii Fedorenko