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Select only specific dates in jQuery UI datepicker (date list comes from AJAX)

Here I send movie id and get available days and I want to set it into calendar. but it is not working and it disable all dates. From the PHP it returns date string. Date string is coming correctly but the calendar is not working. Please help.

Date string example



jQuery.post('index.php', {
  'option': 'com_movie',
  'controller': 'reservation',
  'task': 'datelist',
  'format': 'raw',
  'mid': movieid
}, function(result) {
  var onlydates = result.split(',');
    dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
    showOn: "button",
    buttonImage: "<?php echo IMAGES_LINK.'calendar.png';?>",
    buttonImageOnly: true,
    beforeShowDay: function(date) {
      dmy = date.getDate() + "-" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + date.getFullYear();
      console.log(dmy + ' : ' + (jQuery.inArray(dmy, onlydates)));
      if (jQuery.inArray(dmy, onlydates) != -1) {
        return [true, "", "Available"];
      } else {
        return [false, "", "unAvailable"];
like image 560
Sara Avatar asked Feb 28 '12 10:02


1 Answers

  • Initialize the datapicker only once; tell it to fetch valid dates from a global array
  • Initialize the global array using array literal, update it via AJAX whenever necessary
  • Call the .datepicker("refresh") method whenever disabled/enabled dates change -- i.e. when you get new results through AJAX
  • Your code does not add leading zeros to the dates hence $.inArray won't work as expected

var datelist = []; // initialize empty array

    beforeShowDay: function(d) {
        // normalize the date for searching in array
        var dmy = "";
        dmy += ("00" + d.getDate()).slice(-2) + "-";
        dmy += ("00" + (d.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + "-";
        dmy += d.getFullYear();
        return [$.inArray(dmy, datelist) >= 0 ? true : false, ""];

$("#button").click(function() {
    datelist = []; // empty the array
    $.post("/echo/html/", {
        // parameters here
    }, function() {
        var result = "28-02-2012,29-02-2012,01-03-2012,02-03-2012,03-03-2012,04-03-2012,05-03-2012,06-03-2012,07-03-2012,08-03-2012,09-03-2012,28-02-2012,29-02-2012,01-03-2012,02-03-2012,03-03-2012,04-03-2012,05-03-2012,06-03-2012,07-03-2012,08-03-2012,09-03-2012"; // dummy result
        datelist = result.split(","); // populate the array
        $("#datepicker").datepicker("refresh"); // tell datepicker that it needs to draw itself again

Demo here

like image 89
Salman A Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10

Salman A