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SELECT MySQL field that contains a substring [duplicate]





Using LIKE is very common in MySQL. We use it like this: WHERE field LIKE '%substring%'. Where we have a substring and field has full string. But what I need is something opposite. I have substrings in field. So, I want that row which contains a substring of my string. Suppose the table is:

 id | keyword
  1 | admission
  2 | head of the dept

and I have a string from user: Tell me about admission info. I need such a MySQL query that returns admission as this is a substring of user string. Something like:

SELECT keyword FROM table WHERE (keyword is a substring of 'Tell me about admission info')

thanks in advance.

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A. K. M. Tariqul Islam Avatar asked Sep 15 '13 07:09

A. K. M. Tariqul Islam

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2 Answers

You re looking for the LIKE operator

Pattern matching using SQL simple regular expression comparison. Returns 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). If either expr or pat is NULL, the result is NULL.

Something like

SELECT  keyword 
FROM    table 
WHERE   ('Tell me about admission info' LIKE CONCAT('%', keyword, '%'))


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Adriaan Stander Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10

Adriaan Stander

This work fine, using REGEXP:

SELECT  keyword 
FROM    table 
WHERE   'Tell me about admission info' REGEXP keyword;

But this work only if keyword don't contain Regular expression's escapes...

I.e. This will work fine while keyword contain only letters, numbers, spaces and so on.

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F. Hauri Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 21:10

F. Hauri