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I'm trying to do the following in MySQL:

    y = COALESCE(SELECT z FROM table WHERE a = b AND c = d AND e = f LIMIT 1,
                 SELECT z FROM table WHERE a = b AND c = d LIMIT 1,
                 SELECT z FROM table WHERE a = b LIMIT 1);

It sounds very valid to me. I'm trying to update a column with the best suitable value. If I can find a record matching the 3 criteria -> that's the one I need. Else the one suiting 2 criteria, else a record matching just one criterion.

I can do this in 3 update queries, but I don't understand why this isn't working. According to the manual:

COALESCE returns the first non-NULL value in the list, or NULL if there are no non-NULL values.

That's exactly what I need. but it gives the following error:

Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT'

Am I missing something here?

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Sherlock Avatar asked Mar 26 '13 13:03


People also ask

Does MySQL have coalesce?

MySQL COALESCE() Function The COALESCE() function returns the first non-null value in a list.

What is select coalesce in SQL?

The SQL server's Coalesce function is used to handle the Null values. The null values are replaced with user-defined values during the expression evaluation process. This function evaluates arguments in a particular order from the provided arguments list and always returns the first non-null value.

Is coalesce better than Isnull?

advantage that COALESCE has over ISNULL is that it supports more than two inputs, whereas ISNULL supports only two. Another advantage of COALESCE is that it's a standard function (namely, defined by the ISO/ANSI SQL standards), whereas ISNULL is T-SQL–specific.

Is coalesce better than case?

COALESCE() is literally shorthand for a CASE statement, they will perform identically. However, as podiluska mentioned, ISNULL() can be occasionally faster than a CASE statement, but it's likely to be a miniscule increase as these functions are very unlikely to bottleneck your procedure.

2 Answers

Your problem is presumably that you are getting more than 1 z value returned by the subselects. You can only get one.

You could try:

update x
set y = (select z from t where a = b
         order by (case when a = b and c = d and e = f then 1
                        when a = b and c = d then 2
                        else 3
         limit 1

However, your specific syntax error is that you need parentheses around the selects. So this is the syntactically correct version:

    y = COALESCE((SELECT z FROM table WHERE a = b AND c = d AND e = f LIMIT 1),
                 (SELECT z FROM table WHERE a = b AND c = d LIMIT 1),
                 (SELECT z FROM table WHERE a = b LIMIT 1));
like image 166
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10

Gordon Linoff

It is hard to advise without more details but something like this may work

    ( SELECT z FROM table WHERE a = b AND c = d AND e = f LIMIT 1),
    ( SELECT z FROM table WHERE a = b AND c = d LIMIT 1 ),
    ( SELECT z FROM table WHERE a = b LIMIT 1 )

Ensures that each subquery only returns up to 1 row.

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Simon at My School Portal Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10

Simon at My School Portal