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Select from SQLite with Qt






I try to deal with SQLite database on Qt 4.5.3 on Linux. I've already created the databsae.

Then, I try to perform select on Qt:

db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
db.setDatabaseName(filename); // Here is FULL path to the database. I've checked it twice :)
bool ok = db.open();
qDebug() << db.tables();

QSqlQuery query;
query.exec("select * from lessons");
qDebug() << query.size();
qDebug() << query.isSelect();
qDebug() << query.isValid();

But debug console says:

("lessons", "weeklessons", "weeks") 

Why it's select nothing? What I have doing wrong?

like image 765
vas3k Avatar asked Feb 22 '10 13:02


1 Answers

The isValid() method returns true if the query is positionned on a valid record, but after calling exec(), it isn't : you have to move to a valid record first, for example with query.first() or query.next(). See Qt docs : http://doc.qt.io/archives/4.6/qsqlquery.html

The size() returning -1 doesn't mean there is no result : SQLite is one of the databases for which the size of the query is not directly available (look in the documentation for QSqlDriver::hasFeature()). You can check that rows are returned and find the size with a loop and query.next().

Depending on what you want to do with the result of your select, you could also use QSqlQueryModel instead of QSqlQuery.

like image 173
Leiaz Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
