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Select div using wildcard ID

How to select a div using it's ID but with a widcard?

If the DIV's ID is statusMessage_1098, I would like to select it in some way like document.getElementById('statusMessage_*').

This is because until the page is generated, I don't know the suffix of the ID and only one such ID will be present in a page. Is this possible?

Thanks for any help.

like image 321
Nirmal Avatar asked Dec 21 '09 05:12


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2 Answers

Using jQuery you can do this


See attributeStartsWith

Edit - with class name selector

If you can use a class name then you can use something like this


gets all div elements with class 'myDivClass'

like image 71
rahul Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 05:09


Just thought it was worth updating the thread with a more recent way of doing this in JavaScript as was still coming up in searches.


caniuse.com lists it can be used on IDs from IE8 and great support in other browsers.

like image 26
itsvicki Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 05:09
