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Select border of district, or country on google maps

I would like to select county, or district like Google Maps do on http://maps.google.com/. I mean something like this:

enter image description here

Is it possible to do it by Google Maps API? Is it possible to select more districts?

like image 214
michaltaberski Avatar asked Feb 24 '12 08:02


People also ask

How do I find the district border on Google Maps?

The region coverage viewer lets you search for boundaries by name. Click anywhere on the map to select a polygon. Use the menu to select different types of boundaries.

How do I highlight a district in Google Maps?

To achieve this, you will basically need to look for the coordinates of the state or country on GADM. Once you have them, draw a shape on the Google Maps with the Polygon object providing an array with all the coordinates that play basically as borders of the place that you want to highlight.

1 Answers

Refer to the Google Maps JavaScript API V3 and Google Maps Overview

You can try with statesobj.js for borders

like image 151
Siva Charan Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 17:10

Siva Charan