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Select and select many difference



I have read many sites/threads on select and select many in LINQ but still don't quite understand.

Does select return one element in a collection and select many flatten a collection (eg List>())?


like image 661
GurdeepS Avatar asked Mar 11 '10 14:03


People also ask

What is SelectMany?

SelectMany(<selector>) method The SelectMany() method is used to "flatten" a sequence in which each of the elements of the sequence is a separate, subordinate sequence.

What is the difference between select and where in Linq?

In case of Select it you can map to an IEnumerable of a new structure. Where() works as an filter to the IEnumerable, it will return the result on the basis of the where clause.

What is SelectMany in Linq?

What is Linq SelectMany? The SelectMany in LINQ is used to project each element of a sequence to an IEnumerable<T> and then flatten the resulting sequences into one sequence. That means the SelectMany operator combines the records from a sequence of results and then converts it into one result.

What is the difference between SingleOrDefault and FirstOrDefault?

When you want a default value is returned if the result set contains no record, use SingleOrDefault. When you always want one record no matter what the result set contains, use First or FirstOrDefault. When you want a default value if the result set contains no record, use FirstOrDefault.

1 Answers

Here's a sample. Hope it clarifies everything:

static void MethodRun()
    List<Topping> testToppings = new List<Topping> { Topping.Cheese, Topping.Pepperoni, Topping.Sausage };

    var firstLetterofToppings = testToppings.Select(top => top.ToString().First());

    // returns "C, P, S"

    var singleToppingPizzas = testToppings.Select(top => new Pizza(top)).ToArray();

    // returns "Pizza(Cheese), Pizza(Pepperoni), Pizza(Sausage)"

    List<Topping> firstPizza = new List<Topping> { Topping.Cheese, Topping.Anchovies };
    List<Topping> secondPizza = new List<Topping> { Topping.Sausage, Topping.CanadianBacon, Topping.Pepperoni };
    List<Topping> thirdPizza = new List<Topping> { Topping.Ham, Topping.Pepperoni };

    List<IEnumerable<Topping>> toppingsPurchaseOrder = new List<IEnumerable<Topping>> { firstPizza, secondPizza, thirdPizza };

    var toppingsToOrder = toppingsPurchaseOrder.SelectMany(order => order);

    //returns "Cheese, Anchovies, Sausage, CanadianBacon, Pepperoni, Ham, Pepperoni"


class Pizza
    public List<Topping> Toppings { get; private set; }
    public Pizza(Topping topping) : this(new List<Topping> { topping }) { }
    public Pizza(IEnumerable<Topping> toppings)
        this.Toppings = new List<Topping>();

enum Topping

The key is that Select() can select any type of object. It's true that you can select a property of whatever generic value is assigned to your collection, but you can select any other type of object also. SelectMany() just flattens your list.

like image 154
sidney.andrews Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
