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Select a cell in tkinter.treeview and get the cell data

I would like to use a mouse pointer to select a cell in a table created by tkinter.treeview() and print out the cell's value. How can I do this?

Below is a sample code to create a tkinter.treeview table. In this case, I would like to use my mouse pointer to click on one of the values say "Airport". However, when I click that cell, the entire row (i.e. the widget item) is instead selected. How can I avoid this so that I can get what I want?

import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

class App(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
        ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)
        self.tree = ttk.Treeview(parent, columns=("size", "modified"))
        self.tree["columns"] = ("date", "time", "loc")

        self.tree.column("date", width=80)
        self.tree.column("time", width=80)
        self.tree.column("loc", width=100)

        self.tree.heading("date", text="Date")
        self.tree.heading("time", text="Time")
        self.tree.heading("loc", text="Loc")
        self.tree.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.selectItem)

        self.tree.insert("","end",text = "Name",values = ("Date","Time","Loc"))
        self.tree.insert("","end",text = "John",values = ("2017-02-05","11:30:23","Airport"))
        self.tree.insert("","end",text = "Betty",values = ("2014-06-25","18:00:00","Orchard Road"))


    def selectItem(self, event):
        curItem = self.tree.focus()
        print (self.tree.item(curItem))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    window = tk.Tk()
    app = App(window)
like image 670
Sun Bear Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 11:12

Sun Bear

1 Answers

Thanks to Bryan Oakley's guidance, I have revised the selectItem callback to:

def selectItem(self, event):
    curItem = self.tree.item(self.tree.focus())
    col = self.tree.identify_column(event.x)
    print ('curItem = ', curItem)
    print ('col = ', col)

    if col == '#0':
        cell_value = curItem['text']
    elif col == '#1':
        cell_value = curItem['values'][0]
    elif col == '#2':
        cell_value = curItem['values'][1]
    elif col == '#3':
        cell_value = curItem['values'][2]
    print ('cell_value = ', cell_value)

It gave me what I wanted. Hope this script will help any other asking the same question.

like image 167
Sun Bear Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 12:12

Sun Bear