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sed substitute variable contains newline (preserve it)



I have a multi-line string, downloaded from the Web:

toast the lemonade
blend with the lemonade
add one tablespoon of the lemonade
grill the spring onions
add the lemonade
add the raisins to the saucepan
rinse the horseradish sauce

I have assigned this to $INPUT, like this:

INPUT=$(lynx --dump 'http://example.net/recipes' \
     | python -m json.tool \
     | awk '/steps/,/]/' \
     | egrep -v "steps|]" \
     | sed 's/[",]\|^ *//g; $d')

At this point, $INPUT is ready for substitution into my target file as follows:

sed -i "0,/OLDINPUT/s//$INPUT/" /home/test_file

Of course, sed complains about an unterminated s command - herein lies the problem.

The current workaround I am using is to echo $INPUT prior to giving it to sed, but then the newlines are not preserved. echo strips newlines - which is the problem.

The correct output should maintain its newlines. How can sed be instructed to preserve the newlines?

like image 402
Earl Tsui Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 16:12

Earl Tsui

1 Answers

The hacky direct answer is to replace all newlines with \n, which you can do by adding

| sed ':a $!{N; ba}; s/\n/\\n/g'

to the long command above. A better answer, because substituting shell variables into code is always a bad idea and with sed you wouldn't have a choice, is to use awk instead:

awk -i inplace -v input="$INPUT" 'NR == 1, /OLDINPUT/ { sub(/OLDINPUT/, input) } 1' /home/test_file

This requires GNU awk 4.1.0 or later for the -i inplace.

like image 78
Wintermute Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 06:01
