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Sed replace every nth occurrence




I am trying to use sed to replace every other occurrence of an html element of a file so I can make alternating color rows.

Here is what I have tried and it doesn't work.

sed 's/<tr valign=top>/<tr valign=top bgcolor='#E0E0E0'>/2' untitled.html
like image 422
tim Avatar asked May 02 '11 14:05


People also ask

How do you remove lines from a file in Unix?

To Remove the lines from the source file itself, use the -i option with sed command. If you dont wish to delete the lines from the original source file you can redirect the output of the sed command to another file.

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1 Answers

I'd solve it with awk:

awk '/<tr valign=top>/&&v++%2{sub(/<tr valign=top>/, "<tr valign=top bgcolor='#E0E0E0'>")}{print}' untitled.html 

First, it verifies if the line contains <tr valign=top>

/<tr valign=top>/&&v++%2

and whether the <tr valign=top> is an odd found instance:


If so, it replaces the <tr valign=top> in the line

{sub(/<tr valign=top>/, "<tr valign=top bgcolor='#E0E0E0'>")}

Since all lines are to be printed, there is a block that always will be executed (for all lines) and will print the current line:

like image 140
brandizzi Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 10:10
