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sed: insert a string after every N lines



I want to insert a string after every 30 lines in my large file. I'm using mini-sed, which doesn't support ~ (tilde) range operator. I'm looking for sed-only solution please.

like image 464
user868923 Avatar asked Jul 29 '11 07:07


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You have to use the “-i” option with the “sed” command to insert the new line permanently in the file if the matching pattern exists in the file.

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You can tell sed to carry out multiple operations by just repeating -e (or -f if your script is in a file). sed -i -e 's/a/b/g' -e 's/b/d/g' file makes both changes in the single file named file , in-place.

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@JM88, Unix/Linux use the line-feed character ( \n ) for line breaks. Mac uses the carriage-return character for line breaks ( \r ), and Windows uses a combination of the two ( \r\n ) for line breaks.

1 Answers

This thread is another example of how to over complicate things. This should do it:

sed '0~30 s/$/string/g' < inputfile > outputfile 

Every 30 lines "string" is inserted at the end of the line. If you want a new line with the word "string" just use "\n string".

like image 78
Miguel Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09
