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Security : Role defined can be misused via url edit and changes. in ruby application

In this applicatin there are four roles,

role can get into unauthorized pages by editing the url ids and perform actions on available options with respect to the page, misleading to malfunctioning of the application.

any one have idea about this. Is it the problem of closing the session Or routes permition problem ... thanks in advance

like image 694
yaswant singh Avatar asked Dec 05 '12 11:12

yaswant singh

1 Answers

Its nothing related to routes, you can restrict action access yourself with filters, i.e.

class MyController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :check_access

  def secure_action_a

  def secure_action_b


  def check_access
    case params[:action]
      when 'secure_action_a':
        redirect_to root_path, error: "Not Allowed" unless current_user.role == 'admin'
      when 'secure_action_b':
        redirect_to root_path, error: "Not Allowed" unless current_user.role == 'user'

and also on an action, you should verify that the user has access to the resource, so let's say that you have an action that shows a transaction to the user, and that he can only see his transactions, if you write a code like:

def transaction
  @transaction = Transaction.find(params[:id])

then you have a big issue, because anyone can start writting requests like "http://mywebsite.com/transaction/23" and see the transaction because there are not any filters on the current user, so you usually make sure that the user owns the resource

def transaction
  @transaction = current_user.transactions.find(params[:id])

or either

def transaction
  @transaction = Transaction.where(user_id: current_user.id, id: params[:id])

later you can advanced gems like cancan to control the access to the resources

finally, make sure to read the rails security guide

like image 123
rorra Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
