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Security impact of using constantize

I'm currently reviewing some Rails controller. That controller takes user input and based on that user input a new object is created like so:

clazz = params[:type].classify.constantize

I'm concerned with the security of this approach. Are there classes in Ruby which the 'new' method could be used with malicious intent?

For example it might be possible to flood the program with new Symbols causing a denial of service (see http://brakemanscanner.org/docs/warning_types/denial_of_service/).

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harm Avatar asked May 19 '14 11:05


1 Answers

I'd recommend limiting the values that this code will accept for params[:type], before executing it. Eg with an if block like

if %w(foos bars bazzes).include?(params[:type])
  clazz = params[:type].classify.constantize

I don't think DOS attacks are a specific problem with doing classify.constantize here: if someone spams your server with requests then that's going to DOS attack you whatever you do in the actual controller.

Preventing DOS attacks is hard. Securing web apps is a massive subject, but in particular you seem to be talking about the area of "sanitizing parameters" here. Have a look at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/security.html

I can't resist linking to this classic XKCD strip: http://xkcd.com/327/

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Max Williams Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 17:10

Max Williams