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Securing Eureka in Spring cloud



I am curious about what options I have for securing a service connecting (registering and getting disco info) to eureka. Obviously I want to turn security on in Eureka and specify a username password for service.

One question that I have is how do services trying to connect to eureka specify their credentials? Is it through the specification of the zone and what is the format of this reference?

*** I actually the answer to the above question and posted below, But still wonder about the following

As well, can I specify more strenuous security mechanisms and if so, which and how?

like image 887
EvilJinious1 Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 06:12


1 Answers

Ok, turns out that after you post an question is when suddenly you discover a way of doing.

I have figured out the part of my question:

in the Eureka server put this

    enabled: true
      name: user # login username
      password: password

In you service then put this

    registerWithEureka: true
    fetchRegistry: true
      defaultZone: http://user:password@localhost:8761/eureka/

After this services are authenticating to Eureka nd Eureka will reject any service without these credentials.

So Now to the second part of my question. What other ways can I secure this connection that are more secure?

like image 55
EvilJinious1 Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 06:12
