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Securing a Browser Helper Object

I'm currently in the process of building a browser helper object.

One of the things the BHO has to do is to make cross-site requests that bypass the cross-domain policy.

  • For this, I'm exposing a __MyBHONameSpace.Request method that uses WebClient internally.

  • However, it has occurred to me that anyone that is using my BHO now has a CSRF vulnerability everywhere as a smart attacker can now make arbitrary requests from my clients' computers.

Is there any clever way to mitigate this?

like image 772
Benjamin Gruenbaum Avatar asked Dec 15 '13 07:12

Benjamin Gruenbaum

1 Answers

The only way to fully protect against such attacks is to separate the execution context of the page's JavaScript and your extension's JavaScript code.

When I researched this issue, I found that Internet Explorer does provide a way to achieve creation of such context, namely via IActiveScript. I have not implemented this solution though, for the following reasons:

  1. Lack of documentation / examples that combines IActiveScript with BHOs.
  2. Lack of certainty about the future (e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/a/17581825).
  3. Possible performance implications (IE is not known for its superb performance, how would two instances of a JavaScript engines for each page affect the browsing speed?).
  4. Cost of maintenance: I already had an existing solution which was working well, based on very reasonable assumptions. Because I'm not certain whether the alternative method (using IActiveScript) would be bugfree and future-proof (see 2), I decided to drop the idea.

What I have done instead is:

  1. Accept that very determined attackers will be able to access (part of) my extension's functionality.
    • @Benjamin asked whether access to a persistent storage API would pose a threat to the user's privacy. I consider this risk to be acceptable, because a storage quota is enforced, and all stored data is validated before it's used, and it's not giving an attacker any more tools to attack the user. If an attacker wants to track the user via persistent storage, they can just use localStorage on some domain, and communicate with this domain via an <iframe> using the postMessage API. This method works across all browsers, not just IE with my BHO installed, so it is unlikely that any attacker dedicates time at reverse-engineering my BHO in order to use the API, when there's a method that already works in all modern browsers (IE8+).
  2. Restrict the functionality of the extension:
    1. The extension should only be activated on pages where it needs to be activated. This greatly reduces the attack surface, because it's more difficult for an attacker to run code on https://trusted.example.com and trick the user into visiting https://trusted.example.com.
    2. Create and enforce whitelisted URLs for cross-domain access at extension level (in native code (e.g. C++) inside the BHO).
    3. For sensitive APIs, limit its exposure to a very small set of trusted URLs (again, not in JavaScript, but in native code).
    4. The part of the extension that handles the cross-domain functionality does not share any state with Internet Explorer. Cookies and authorization headers are stripped from the request and response. So, even if an attacker manages to get access to my API, they cannot impersonate the user at some other website, because of missing session information.
      This does not protect against sites who use the IP of the requestor for authentication (such as intranet sites or routers), but this attack vector is already covered by a correct implemention a whitelist (see step 2).

"Enforce in native code" does not mean "hard-code in native code". You can still serve updates that include metadata and the JavaScript code. MSVC++ (2010) supports ECMAScript-style regular expressions <regex>, which makes implementing a regex-based whitelist quite easy.

If you want to go ahead and use IActiveScript, you can find sample code in the source code of ceee, Gears (both discontinued) or any other project that attempts to enhance the scripting environment of IE.

like image 155
Rob W Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10

Rob W