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Secure Compare of Strings in Go



Is the a built-in way of doing constant time string comparison in Go?

I've used the Devise.secure_compare method when I've needed this functionality in Ruby.

like image 787
Olly Avatar asked Dec 18 '13 16:12


1 Answers

Not for strings but for []byte. See crypto/subtle, especially ConstantTimeCompare:

func ConstantTimeCompare(x, y []byte) int

ConstantTimeCompare returns 1 iff the two equal length slices, x and y, have equal contents. The time taken is a function of the length of the slices and is independent of the contents.

As you may know, you can easily convert a string to a byte slice:

var x []byte = []byte("someString")
like image 177
nemo Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10
