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Secondary sort in Spark



Working with JavaPairRDD (key, value) pairs, I would like to process values associated with each key in a defined order (value comparator). Is it possible in Apache Spark?

Using Hadoop I would use secondary sort pattern. I am looking for a solution which can handle a set of values that doesn't fit in memory (even set of values with the same key)

like image 934
tomek Avatar asked Dec 26 '22 02:12


1 Answers

Here is an implementation from Sandy Ryza's Advanced Analytics with Spark:


I renamed some of the variables and added some comments so it makes sense in a more general context (this snippet is used in the book to analyze taxi data and some variables were named accordingly).

 def groupByKeyAndSortValues[K: Ordering : ClassTag, V: ClassTag, S](
    rdd: RDD[(K,V)],
    secondaryKeyFunc: (V) => S,
    splitFunc: (V, V) => Boolean,
    numPartitions: Int): RDD[(K, List[V])] = {
    // Extract the secondary key by applying a function to the value.
    val presess = rdd.map {
      case (key, value) => {
        ((key, secondaryKeyFunc(value)), value)
    // Define a partitioner that gets a partition by the first
    // element of the new tuple key.
    val partitioner = new FirstKeyPartitioner[K, S](numPartitions)

    // Set the implicit ordering  by the first element of the new
    // tuple key
    implicit val ordering: Ordering[(K, S)] = Ordering.by(_._1)

    presess.repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions(partitioner).mapPartitions(groupSorted(_, splitFunc))
   * Groups the given iterator according to the split function. Assumes
   * the data comes in sorted. 
  def groupSorted[K, V, S](
    it: Iterator[((K, S), V)],
    splitFunc: (V, V) => Boolean): Iterator[(K, List[V])] = {

    val res = List[(K, ArrayBuffer[V])]()
    it.foldLeft(res)((list, next) => list match {
      case Nil => {
        val ((key, _), value) = next
        List((key, ArrayBuffer(value)))
      case cur :: rest => {
        val (curKey, valueBuf) = cur
        val ((key, _), value) = next
         if (!key.equals(curLic) || splitFunc(valueBuf.last, value)) {
          (key, ArrayBuffer(value)) :: list
        } else {
    }).map { case (key, buf) => (key, buf.toList) }.iterator

Here is the Partitioner:

  class FirstKeyPartitioner[K1, K2](partitions: Int) extends
      Partitioner {
    val delegate = new HashPartitioner(partitions)
    override def numPartitions = delegate.numPartitions
    override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = {
      val k = key.asInstanceOf[(K1, K2)]

like image 200
ryjm Avatar answered Apr 05 '23 23:04
