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second instance of vs2012

Does anyone know how to open a second instance of VS2012? I would like to have ome solution open and then open another to compare code. Used to be able to do this with VS2010. Or am I just missing something here?

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Dean.DePue Avatar asked Jan 10 '13 15:01


2 Answers

You can not start more than 1 VS2012 instances at once using the metro interface! IMHO this is stupid, took a while to figure it out too.

Anyways, start a second instance (after having opened 1 instace) by doing:
Right-Click on the VS2012 icon in the taskbar and choose "Visual Studio 2012" or
Hold Left-Click + drag upwards and choose "Visual Studio 2012" or
Just use the desktop icon if you have it.

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Andrei Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09


You can hold down Shift key and click on any program already running on desktop taksbar to open a new instance. Works for any version of VS also.

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Ales Potocnik Hahonina Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Ales Potocnik Hahonina