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Searching serialized data, using active record

I'm trying to do a simple query of a serialized column, how do you do this?

serialize :mycode, Array   1.9.3p125 :026 > MyModel.find(104).mycode   MyModel Load (0.6ms)  SELECT `mymodels`.* FROM `mymodels` WHERE `mymodels`.`id` = 104 LIMIT 1  => [43565, 43402]  1.9.3p125 :027 > MyModel.find_all_by_mycode("[43402]")   MyModel Load (0.7ms)  SELECT `mymodels`.* FROM `mymodels` WHERE `mymodels`.`mycode` = '[43402]'  => []  1.9.3p125 :028 > MyModel.find_all_by_mycode(43402)   MyModel Load (1.2ms)  SELECT `mymodels`.* FROM `mymodels` WHERE `mymodels`.`mycode` = 43402  => []  1.9.3p125 :029 > MyModel.find_all_by_mycode([43565, 43402])   MyModel Load (1.1ms)  SELECT `mymodels`.* FROM `mymodels` WHERE `mymodels`.`mycode` IN (43565, 43402)  => []  
like image 822
JZ. Avatar asked Mar 22 '12 00:03


2 Answers

It's just a trick to not slow your application. You have to use .to_yaml.

exact result:

MyModel.where("mycode = ?", [43565, 43402].to_yaml) #=> [#<MyModel id:...] 

Tested only for MySQL.

like image 54
rks Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 14:10


Basically, you can't. The downside of #serialize is that you're bypassing your database's native abstractions. You're pretty much limited to loading and saving the data.

That said, one very good way to slow your application to a crawl could be:

MyModel.all.select { |m| m.mycode.include? 43402 } 

Moral of the story: don't use #serialize for any data you need to query on.

like image 33
noodl Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 15:10
