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Searching functions using grep over multiple loaded packages in R

Lets say I have package base, dplyr, data.table, tidyr etc. loaded using sapply().


So to check the list of functions in a particular package I do


Now if I want to search for functions inside dplyr starting with is. pattern I do

 # [1] "is.grouped_df" "is.ident"      "is.sql"        "is.src"       
 # [5] "is.tbl" 

My Goal is to search for all the functions starting with is. or as. or any other pattern in multiple packages simultaneously. The code I think would be lengthy i.e. below I have combined list of dplyr and base functions and then added grep pattern. How to do it for many loaded packages?


Function search() would give me list of loaded packages. But how to gather all the functions of loaded packages, so that I can later grep on it.

For a single package, list of functions can be obtained by


Any help is highly appreciated.

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Sowmya S. Manian Avatar asked Sep 14 '16 06:09

Sowmya S. Manian

1 Answers

To get a list of all packages which are loaded, use:

x <- grep('package:',search(),value=TRUE)  # Comment below by danielson
# e.g. ("package:base", "package:data.table")

sapply(x, function(x) {
    paste0(x, ":", grep("is\\.", ls(x),value=TRUE))


 [1] "package:base:is.array"              "package:base:is.atomic"
 [3] "package:base:is.call"               "package:base:is.character"
 [5] "package:base:is.complex"            "package:base:is.data.frame"
 [7] "package:base:is.double"             "package:base:is.element"

[1] "package:data.table:is.data.table"
like image 98
Tim Biegeleisen Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 19:10

Tim Biegeleisen