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Searching for keys in a nested dictionary [duplicate]



I have a JSON object in Python represented as a nested lists of dictionaries. (Some of the values of the dictionary are dictionaries themselves, and so on.)

I want to be able to search for a key on all branches of this nested dictionary structure.
When I find the key I want to be able to return the full key path that leads to it.

For example: I'm looking for "special agents" who have a "special address key", but not all special agents have it, and those that do have it in inconsistent paths in their JSON.

So I search for key Special Address code. The result should return:

/'People'/'SpecialAgents'/'007'/'Special Address code'/  

So I will be able to reach its information in that way:

json_obj['People']['SpecialAgents']['007']['Special Address code']

Note that this is similar to this question but I need the full path to each instance of the key found.

like image 649
JavaSa Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 02:12


1 Answers

You need a recursive search.

You can define a function to deeply search in your input json:

def find_in_obj(obj, condition, path=None):

    if path is None:
        path = []    

    # In case this is a list
    if isinstance(obj, list):
        for index, value in enumerate(obj):
            new_path = list(path)
            for result in find_in_obj(value, condition, path=new_path):
                yield result 

    # In case this is a dictionary
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        for key, value in obj.items():
            new_path = list(path)
            for result in find_in_obj(value, condition, path=new_path):
                yield result 

            if condition == key:
                new_path = list(path)
                yield new_path 

We can then use the example JSON in this similar SO question to test the recursive search:

In [15]: my_json = { "id" : "abcde",
   ....:   "key1" : "blah",
   ....:   "key2" : "blah blah",
   ....:   "nestedlist" : [ 
   ....:     { "id" : "qwerty",
   ....:       "nestednestedlist" : [ 
   ....:         { "id" : "xyz",
   ....:           "keyA" : "blah blah blah" },
   ....:         { "id" : "fghi",
   ....:           "keyZ" : "blah blah blah" }],
   ....:       "anothernestednestedlist" : [ 
   ....:         { "id" : "asdf",
   ....:           "keyQ" : "blah blah" },
   ....:         { "id" : "yuiop",
   ....:           "keyW" : "blah" }] } ] } 

Let's find every instance of the key 'id' and return the full path that gets us there:

In [16]: for item in find_in_obj(my_json, 'id'):
   ....:     print item
['nestedlist', 0, 'nestednestedlist', 0, 'id']
['nestedlist', 0, 'nestednestedlist', 1, 'id']
['nestedlist', 0, 'id']
['nestedlist', 0, 'anothernestednestedlist', 0, 'id']
['nestedlist', 0, 'anothernestednestedlist', 1, 'id']
like image 147
Jossef Harush Kadouri Avatar answered Dec 23 '22 05:12

Jossef Harush Kadouri