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Searching date meta tags in Sharepoint

I'm currently looking at indexing an ASP website from Sharepoint and I need to replicate the old "advanced search" schema that the users are familiar with. In order to do this I need to index a few meta tags from the web pages. This is easily done and for the text fields I can use them in the search as well. However for date meta tags, like "expired" or "published" I'm having some problems. The problem is basically that the meta tags are crawled as "text", but I need Sharepoint to parse them as datetime. I've seen a few posts on TechNet asking for the same, but with no answer.

1: https://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=2614064&SiteID=17 TechNet

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noocyte Avatar asked Oct 14 '22 18:10


1 Answers

You're not doing anything wrong, this is how the product works. To add to what was said earlier, it's not easy to customize.

The proper way to approach this is to create a custom protocol handler for HTML. This is a custom COM Object that implements a few interfaces. The MOSS 2007 SDK has a protocol handler reference.

When we did this, we created an ini file so we could define the type we wanted META fields crawled as (String, Int, DateTime). Then when you added the custom properties everything was properly parsed. Then you can use the custom properties like you would normally.

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jwmiller5 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10
