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searchBarCancelButtonClicked delegate method is not called. Is there any way to call?


UIViewController to implement a view to placing an UITableView UISearchBar and being implemented. But you can not call searchBarCancelButtonClicked. Do not know what the reason.

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Szakma Avatar asked Dec 06 '10 16:12


2 Answers

The reason why searchBarCancelButtonClicked does not fire may be because your UISearchBar does not show the Cancel button. You can display the Cancel button like this:

searchBar.showsCancelButton = true 

I had the same problem and making the Cancel button show made searchBarCancelButtonClicked fire as expected.

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Chris Balavessov Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Chris Balavessov

Ensure that your UIViewController is set as the delegate of your UISearchBar, and that it adopts the UISearchBarDelegate protocol.

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GendoIkari Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
