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Searchbar - search on 'enter' key

I'm very new to Ionic framework.
Following the docs I created a searchbar like this:


ionInput When the Searchbar input has changed including cleared.

This works as expected.

However I want a different behaviour. I don't want to trigger search($event) every time the input changes, but I couldn't find an output event that is emitted when the user hits the 'enter' key or clicks a button for example.

Is there a solution for this behaviour?

like image 434
lenny Avatar asked Jan 11 '17 18:01


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1 Answers

You should be able to add Angular 2 keyup bindings to elements such as keyup and click


<ion-searchbar #q

Component TS:

search(q: string) { 
like image 54
Alexander Staroselsky Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 13:10

Alexander Staroselsky