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Search string from JAR file global in Intellij Idea

I am developing stomp+WebSocket using Intellij Idea. Now I need to know: how to search string from Intellij Idea global? For example, I got this error:

15:17:44.688]-[clientInboundChannel-59]-[org.springframework.web.socket.messaging.WebSocketAnnotationMethodMessageHandler]-{Searching methods to handle SEND /app/vehicle session=qnlerizz}
15:17:44.688]-[clientInboundChannel-59]-[org.springframework.web.socket.messaging.WebSocketAnnotationMethodMessageHandler]-{No matching methods.}

And I go to class WebSocketAnnotationMethodMessageHandler in spring-websocket.jar(Maven's jar) and find nothing about this string:No matching methods or Searching methods to handle. So I want to search where the message is. How to do?

What I have tried is the combination Ctrl + Shift + F but It does not work fine, I can't search from external jar. Double Shift can only search class.

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Dolphin Avatar asked Oct 18 '16 06:10


People also ask

How do I search globally in IntelliJ?

Use ⇧⇧ (macOS), or Shift+Shift (Windows/Linux), to bring up the Search Everywhere dialog. You can search across Classes, Files, Symbols and Actions. You can also use forward slash to filter the results to a specific area, such as /editor.

How do I search for a specific string in IntelliJ?

Find the search string in a projectFrom the main menu, select Edit | Find | Find in Files Ctrl+Shift+F . In the search field, type your search string. Alternatively, in the editor, highlight the string you want to find and press Ctrl+Shift+F . IntelliJ IDEA places the highlighted string into the search field.

1 Answers

  • Go Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N


Navigate -> Symbol.. from menu

  • Give your text to search.
like image 129
Supun Wijerathne Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09

Supun Wijerathne