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Search for partial class name, return full class name

Picture this:

Page A contains this in the body:

<div class="overlay-homepage"><span></span></div>

Page B contains:

<div class="overlay-results"><span></span></div>

I can use this script to identify if they contain an overlay class with this:

function() {
    var htmlString = $('body').html().toString();
    var index = htmlString.indexOf("div class=\"overlay-");
    if (index != -1)
        return("It works");

For the return value, instead of "It works", how do I get it to pull in the rest of the class name e.g. "overlay-results" or if needs be the whole div content e.g. "<div class="overlay-results"><span></span></div>"?

There are many other pages like this with different 'overlay-' class names so I don't want to do one search for each hence this 'one size fits all' approach.

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aphextwig Avatar asked Nov 25 '15 15:11


4 Answers

You can use this jQuery selector, for example

This will give you elements which has overlay somewhere on their class name.


This will give you elements which class name starts with overlay.


This will give you elements which class name ends with overlay.



To use this on your code you can do something like:

function() {
  var attr = $('div[class*=overlay]').attr('class');

This function fi nd the elements with overlay in their class name a returns the complete class name.

like image 108
Adrian Menendez Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11

Adrian Menendez

You could use a regular expression and rewrite it like this:

function() {
  var htmlString = $('body').html().toString();
  var matches = htmlString.match(/class="(overlay-[^\s"]*)/);
  if (matches.length)
like image 26
Piyin Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 18:11


To select an element which starts with, use ^ like [class^="overlay-"].

To return all elements with that starting class, you can:-

function allOverlays() {
   // all elements
   return $('div[class^="overlay-"]');

   //or for the first element
   return $('div[class^="overlay-"]:eq(0)');

or to return the class when there is only one, you can use:-

function overlayClass() {
   return $('div[class^="overlay-"]:eq(0)').attr('class');

or when there are multi classes, use:-

function overlayClass() {
   var classes = $('div[class^="overlay-"]:eq(0)').attr('class');
   return /overlay-\w+/.exec(classes)[0];
like image 2
BenG Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 18:11


If I understand correctly you want the full class that matches the overlay, and not the value of the attribute class for the element. By doing a partial attribute search with a selector we can get all elements that match that search, then iterate through them, extracting from their classes the ones that match the give partial class.

function getFullClass(partialClass) {
    foundClasses = [];
    $("[class*='" + partialClass + "']").each(function (i, e) {
        foundClasses.push($(e).attr("class").split(" ").filter(function (d) {
            return d.indexOf(partialClass) >= 0
    return foundClasses;

//Callable like:

Would output: [overlay-homepage,overlay-results] or whatever is on page, if you only want one result, you can simply do getFullClass("overlay-")[0]

like image 1
Juan Cortés Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 16:11

Juan Cortés