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Search file in Xcode



I use xcode search to quick open files in project. It works very good when the files are in current project, but when I have one project that includes other sub-projects it searches only in files from current project. Is it possible to search a file in all files from all sub-projects? I don't like to open a sub-project every time when I want to search a file that is not included in main project.


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Mircea Ispas Avatar asked Aug 18 '10 09:08

Mircea Ispas

3 Answers

In xcode on left pane in the project navigator at the bottom there is a search field. In the documentation it is called filter bar.

According to Inder Kumar Rathore the shortcut is + + O.

project navigator, filter bar

Also see xcode: search by file

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PiTheNumber Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 05:11


Shortcut to search a file + + O

To go to line number in a file use + L

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Inder Kumar Rathore Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 05:11

Inder Kumar Rathore

I'm not sure I understand the difference between a project and a sub-project, but Shift+Cmd+F will bring up the search whose scope is everything included in the project window and not just the active file. If you are talking about linked files in other projects, I think you're still stuck opening those projects to search.

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Philip Regan Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 06:11

Philip Regan