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Search body for string and then style

I need to search through a document with jQuery to find a particular word. It's actually a brand name that has to be bold and italic wherever used.

I can do this using :contain but only on an individual element basis. I need to be able to go through anchors, lists divs etc.

$( "a:contains('brand name')" ).html().replace('brand name'.... 

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Update: I have got this far which works and replaces everything on a page but I now need to wrap in a span with a class. So close but stumped on this one. Again an ideas would be appreciated.

    $("body *").contents().each(function() {
    this.nodeValue = this.nodeValue.replace(/brandname/g, 'colour');

like image 335
ShambalaG Avatar asked Nov 19 '15 12:11


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3 Answers

You can replace the textNodes with a document fragment. This allows you to group text and styled nodes and swap it with the existing textNode.

var x = 0;
$("body *").contents().each(function() {

   if (this.nodeType == 3 && this.parentElement.tagName != "SCRIPT") {

     var text = this.nodeValue;
     var i = 0, lastIndex = 0;
     var search = /brandname/ig;
     var result;
     var parent = this.parentNode;
     var textNode = null;
     var highlight = null;
     var textRange = "";
     var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();

     // Do search
     while ((result = search.exec(text)) !== null) {
       // add plain text before match
       textRange = text.substring(lastIndex, result.index);
       if (textRange != '') {
         textNode = document.createTextNode(textRange);
       // add highlight elements
       highlight = document.createElement('span');
       highlight.innerHTML = result[0];
       highlight.className = "hi";
       lastIndex = search.lastIndex;

     // Add trailing text
     textRange = text.substring(lastIndex);
     if (textRange != '') {
       textNode = document.createTextNode(textRange);
     // Replace textNode with our text+highlight
     if(fragment.children.length > 0) {
       this.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, this);

span.hi {
  background-color: #FFCC00;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  Hello world this is my brandname. The BrAnDNAMe is regex matched and we can change subelements like "<a href=''>Brandname</a>." It should not replace <b>elements</b> that don't match.
like image 165
wolfhammer Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10


$.fn.ignore = function(sel){
  return this.clone().find(sel||">*").remove().end();

function rebrand(el, word){
  if (!word.length && !el) return;
  var $el = $(el), html = $el.ignore("script").html(),
      rgx = new RegExp("(?![^<]+>)("+ word +")", "g");
  $el.html( html.replace(rgx, "<span class='brand'>$1</span>") );

$(function() { // DOM ready

  rebrand("body", "Brand Name");
  // so the following code will not break on lost events, data bindings etc...

  // Other DOM ready code here like:
  $("button").click(function(){ $(this).css({color:"red"}); });

// Other JS, jQ code here...
    color: rgba(255,0, 100,0.4);
    font: italic normal bold 1em/1 sans-serif;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <h1>Title with Brand Name!</h1>
    Change styles only to Brand Name!<br>
    but don't mess with <a href="#">links to Brand Name are cool</a><br>
    <button>Button with Brand Name works!</button>
    <li>Other Brand</li><li>Brand Name</li><li>Brandy</li>
  <h2>Subtitle <i>and italic Brand Name</i></h2>
  <p>The HTML will not get messed cause of Brand Nameing<br>
  Paragraph with a &lt;b&gt; tag <b>bold Brand Name actually</b></p>
  <code>This is a code tag with a Brand Name :)</code>

Kudos to this two answers:
jQuery.ignore Plugin
Highlight Words (Ignoring names of HTML tags)

like image 42
Roko C. Buljan Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10

Roko C. Buljan

if your code works, just add such a similar row of code:

this.nodeValue.wrap( "<span class='new'></span>" );
like image 2
luca3003 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10
