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SDK Location not found Android Studio + Gradle

I have seen this same thing posted quite a few times, but whenever I try to import my project to my new work laptop I keep getting this error.

I have pulled the project from git (which his btw running fine on my old laptop).

Then I went to the sdk manager, downloaded all the tools, and all the SDK's available. In the welcome screen, I went to Configure -> project Defaults -> Project structure. Android SDK Tab says the path for projects without local.properties will be /Applications/Android Studio.app/sdk This is correct. Under SDKs I have all the available SDK's visible. Project SDK is set to API 18

Yet still I get this error when trying to build my project. Can anyone tell me where I havent looked yet?

I am running gradle 1.7 when trying to build which is downloaded from services.gradle.org

like image 521
Mathijs Segers Avatar asked Oct 09 '13 12:10

Mathijs Segers

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1 Answers

I had very similar situation (had a project on another machine and cloned it to my laptop and saw the same issue) and I looked in it.

Error message was coming from Sdk.groovy of Android gradle plugin: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/build/+/master/gradle/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/Sdk.groovy

By looking at code, its findLocation needs to set androidSdkDir variable and there are only three ways to do it:

  • create local.properties file and have either sdk.dir or android.dir line.
  • have ANDROID_HOME environment variable defined.
  • System.getProperty("android.home") - I'm not sure how it works, but it seems like a Java thing.

While your Android Studio knows that the SDK is at that place, I doubt that Android Studio is passing that information to gradle and thus we're seeing that error.

I created local.properties file at the project root and put the following line and it compiled the code successfully.

sdk.dir = /Applications/Android Studio.app/sdk/

like image 150
Gaku Ueda Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10

Gaku Ueda