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SDK 2.0 - Schema takes exceptionally long time to load




I have been working to convert some of my previous apps to the new 2.0 SDK and have been running into some problems during initialization. I see that the SDK is now loading a schema for the various data models when the page loads, and while this file is relatively small in size (57.3KB) it's taking an incredibly long time to load, usually around 45 seconds.

Is this a known issue? And if so, are there any methods to avoiding it?

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like image 730
Conner Reeves Avatar asked Jul 02 '13 16:07

Conner Reeves

1 Answers

Great news! As of 11/13 this issue should be resolved! We were finally able to analyze the underlying performance issues and push a fix for this problem.

like image 108
Kyle Morse Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Kyle Morse