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scrollIntoView block vs inline

I noticed scrollIntoView has some new options since last I looked.

Namely, block and inline. What's the difference between these two? I'm guessing {block: "start"} will align the top of the element with the top of the page, but I'm not sure how that would be different from inline, or how you would use both these options simultaneously?

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mpen Avatar asked Feb 06 '18 02:02


People also ask

When should I use scrollIntoView?

The scrollIntoView() method scrolls an element into the visible area of the browser window.

How do I make my scrollIntoView smooth?

Native method: scrollIntoView The usage is simple, just like this: function scroll(e) {e. scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "start"});}scroll(document. getElementById(YOUR_DIV_ID));

Does scrollIntoView work horizontally?

scrollIntoView(true);", element); This works for vertical scrolling but not for horizontal.

Can I use scrollIntoView?

scrollIntoView on Android Browser is fully supported on 97-103, partially supported on 2.3-4, and not supported on below 2.3 Android Browser versions. scrollIntoView on Opera Mobile is fully supported on 64-64, partially supported on 10-12, and not supported on below 10 Opera Mobile versions.

1 Answers

The block option decides where the element will be vertically aligned inside the visible area of its scrollable ancestor:

  • Using {block: "start"}, the element is aligned at the top of its ancestor.
  • Using {block: "center"}, the element is aligned at the middle of its ancestor.
  • Using {block: "end"}, the element is aligned at the bottom of its ancestor.
  • Using {block: "nearest"}, the element:
    • is aligned at the top of its ancestor if you're currently below it.
    • is aligned at the bottom of its ancestor if you're currently above it.
    • stays put, if it's already in view.

The inline option decides where the element will be horizontally aligned inside the visible area of its scrollable ancestor:

  • Using {inline: "start"}, the element is aligned at the left of its ancestor.
  • Using {inline: "center"}, the element is aligned at the centre of its ancestor.
  • Using {inline: "end"}, the element is aligned at the right of its ancestor.
  • Using {inline: "nearest"}, the element:
    • is aligned at the left of its ancestor if you're currently on its right.
    • is aligned at the right of its ancestor if you're currently on its left.
    • stays put, if it's already in view.

Both block and inline can be used at the same time to scroll to a specified point in one motion.

Check out the following snippet to see how each works in action.


/* ----- JavaScript ----- */  var buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".btn");    [].forEach.call(buttons, function (button) {    button.onclick = function () {      var where = this.dataset.where.split("-");      document.querySelector("div#a1").scrollIntoView({        behavior: "smooth",        block: where[0],        inline: where[1]      });    };  });
/* ----- CSS ----- */  body {    padding: 500px;    width: 2000px;  }    header {    position: fixed;    top: 0;    left: 0;    width: 100;  }    div#a1 {    width: 1000px;    height: 300px;    background: url(//www.w3schools.com/css/trolltunga.jpg);    background-repeat: no-repeat;  }
<!----- HTML ----->  <header>    <button class="btn" data-where="start-start">T-L</button>    <button class="btn" data-where="start-center">T-C</button>    <button class="btn" data-where="start-end">T-R</button>    <button class="btn" data-where="center-start">C-L</button>    <button class="btn" data-where="center-center">C-C</button>    <button class="btn" data-where="center-end">C-R</button>    <button class="btn" data-where="end-start">B-L</button>    <button class="btn" data-where="end-center">B-C</button>    <button class="btn" data-where="end-end">B-R</button>  </header>    <div id = "a1"></div>
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Angel Politis Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 11:10

Angel Politis