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Scroll PrimeFaces datatable horizontally?

If I set the attribute "scrollable=true" in a PrimeFaces datatable it is scrollable vertically. But is it possible to scroll this table horizontally?

like image 872
hudi Avatar asked Jul 16 '11 23:07


2 Answers

Primefaces supports horizontal scrolling on datatable. Just specify it like that:

<p:dataTable scrollable="true" scrollWidth="700">
like image 100
stakahop Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 19:11


Try this (XY);

<h:panelGroup id="tbl" style="width:100%;overflow:auto;">

data table;

<p:dataTable  paginatorPosition="top" scrollable="true" scrollHeight="300" style="width:100%"   resizableColumns="true"  lazy="true"  >
like image 1
newuserua Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 18:11
