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ScriptingOptions sql smo does not support scripting data

I'm generating sql database script using c# code.

following code works fine for create table but when I try to use scriptOptions.ScriptData = true; it is throwing following exception.

An unhandled exception of type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FailedOperationException' occurred in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll

Additional information: This method does not support scripting data.


 public static string ScriptDatabase(string dbConnectionString, string databaseName)

            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(dbConnectionString);
            ServerConnection serverConn = new ServerConnection(conn);
            var server = new Server(serverConn);
            var database = server.Databases[databaseName];

            var scripter = new Scripter(server);
           // I tried this code also       
           // scripter.Options.ScriptData = true;
            ScriptingOptions scriptOptions = new ScriptingOptions();
            scriptOptions.ScriptDrops = false;
            scriptOptions.ScriptData = true;
            scriptOptions.ScriptSchema = true;

            scriptOptions.IncludeIfNotExists = true;
            string scrs = "";
            string tbScr = "";
            foreach (Table myTable in database.Tables)
                /* Generating IF EXISTS and DROP command for tables */
                StringCollection tableScripts = myTable.Script(scriptOptions);
                foreach (string script in tableScripts)
                    scrs += script + "\n\n";

                /* Generating CREATE TABLE command */
                tableScripts = myTable.Script();
                foreach (string script in tableScripts)
                    tbScr += script + "\n\n";
 return (scrs + "\n\n" + tbScr);
like image 674
Neo Avatar asked May 03 '16 11:05


Video Answer

1 Answers

The following was tested on:

  • Win 7.0, .NET 4.0, VS 2010, SQL Server 2008R2
  • Win 7.0, .NET 4.6.1, VS 2017, SQL Server 2014

Required assembly references:

  • Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo

I created a simple Win forms app with OK button and called below function.

Note: If scripting out views you need to add

if( myView.IsSystemObject == true ) continue;

to ensure that system views are not being scripted; I have not tested this. For old versions of SQL Server you may also need this check for tables as well.

public static string ScriptDatabase( string dbConnectionString, string databaseName )
    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( dbConnectionString );
    ServerConnection serverConn = new ServerConnection( conn );
    var server = new Server( serverConn );
    var database = server.Databases[ databaseName ];

    var scripter = new Scripter( server );
    scripter.Options.IncludeIfNotExists = true;
    scripter.Options.ScriptSchema = true;
    scripter.Options.ScriptData = true;

    string scrs = "";
    foreach( Table myTable in database.Tables )
        foreach( string s in scripter.EnumScript( new Urn[] { myTable.Urn } ) )
            scrs += s + "\n\n"; ;
    return ( scrs );

Function would be called as follows:

// Connection string for local SQL Server default instance
ScriptDatabase( "Server=.;Database=PlayGround;Trusted_Connection=True;", "PlayGround" );




IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[tBlah]') AND type in (N'U'))
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tBlah](
    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [tID] [varchar](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,
    [Value] [varchar](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL


INSERT [dbo].[tBlah] ([ID], [tID], [Value]) VALUES (1, N'2', N'1234')

INSERT [dbo].[tBlah] ([ID], [tID], [Value]) VALUES (2, N'2', N'345.6')

MSDN References:

  • Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database

Updated 17-Dec-2019: Check with latest .NET version; Added required References; Clean-up example code; Added sample conn string

like image 154
Alex Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 19:10
