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Script to run other scripts in sqldeveloper

I have a number of scripts used to build a database. These need to be executed in a certain order. Is it possible to create a script to run other scripts in SQL Developer (1.5.3)?

I know I can do this with sqlplus, but I was hoping there's a similar ability I just don't know about.

like image 700
chris Avatar asked Sep 02 '09 12:09


2 Answers

The SQL*Plus synthax works (with run script):

@script arg1 arg2 ... argn


@"/path/to/directory/script" arg1 arg2 ... argn
like image 82
Vincent Malgrat Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 21:10

Vincent Malgrat

SqlDeveloper should be able to use the same syntax as SqlPlus, i.e.

@@ script1
@@ script2
@@ script3

This will execute script1.sql, script2.sql and script3.sql in order.

like image 21
skaffman Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 22:10
