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Scratch: How do I produce an ascii text program listing?



My nine year old son is applying to participate in a programming contest. Any language is allowed, and he wants to use Scratch. But the application requires an ascii text listing of a program to solve a specified preliminary problem. They will not accept a PNG screenshot, or Scratch's binary format. So how does he get an ascii listing of his program? If it is impossible (as I suspect) then I will just read his program and retype it into an ascii editor.

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Robert Bruce Avatar asked Mar 12 '14 19:03

Robert Bruce

2 Answers

You have a few options here.

If you're using Scratch 1.4, you can save a text-only project summary. Shift-click the File menu, then Write project Summary.
This functionality is coming soon (hopefully) to Scratch 2.0. UPDATE: It has been added.

You can also get a text-based representation of all the blocks using the Scratchblocks generator.

Or, you can save the 2.0 project as myproject.sb2, rename to myproject.zip, unpack the ZIP, and take the project.json file.

Unfortunately, none of these methods can easily be imported back into Scratch.

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Scimonster Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09


http://scratchblocks.github.io will convert your project into scratchblocks format. It is exactly what you are looking for.

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Graham Toal Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09

Graham Toal