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Scrapy - parse a page to extract items - then follow and store item url contents


I have a question on how to do this thing in scrapy. I have a spider that crawls for listing pages of items. Every time a listing page is found, with items, there's the parse_item() callback that is called for extracting items data, and yielding items. So far so good, everything works great.

But each item, has among other data, an url, with more details on that item. I want to follow that url and store in another item field (url_contents) the fetched contents of that item's url.

And I'm not sure how to organize code to achieve that, since the two links (listings link, and one particular item link) are followed differently, with callbacks called at different times, but I have to correlate them in the same item processing.

My code so far looks like this:

class MySpider(CrawlSpider):     name = "example.com"     allowed_domains = ["example.com"]     start_urls = [         "http://www.example.com/?q=example",     ]      rules = (         Rule(SgmlLinkExtractor(allow=('example\.com', 'start='), deny=('sort='), restrict_xpaths = '//div[@class="pagination"]'), callback='parse_item'),         Rule(SgmlLinkExtractor(allow=('item\/detail', )), follow = False),     )       def parse_item(self, response):         main_selector = HtmlXPathSelector(response)         xpath = '//h2[@class="title"]'          sub_selectors = main_selector.select(xpath)          for sel in sub_selectors:             item = ExampleItem()             l = ExampleLoader(item = item, selector = sel)             l.add_xpath('title', 'a[@title]/@title')             ......             yield l.load_item() 
like image 370
StefanH Avatar asked Apr 28 '11 22:04


1 Answers

After some testing and thinking, I found this solution that works for me. The idea is to use just the first rule, that gives you listings of items, and also, very important, add follow=True to that rule.

And in parse_item() you have to yield a request instead of an item, but after you load the item. The request is to item detail url. And you have to send the loaded item to that request callback. You do your job with the response, and there is where you yield the item.

So the finish of parse_item() will look like this:

itemloaded = l.load_item()  # fill url contents url = sel.select(item_url_xpath).extract()[0] request = Request(url, callback = lambda r: self.parse_url_contents(r)) request.meta['item'] = itemloaded  yield request 

And then parse_url_contents() will look like this:

def parse_url_contents(self, response):     item = response.request.meta['item']     item['url_contents'] = response.body     yield item 

If anyone has another (better) approach, let us know.


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StefanH Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 18:10
