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Scrabble tile checking

For tile checking in scrabble, you make four 5x5 grids of letters totalling 100 tiles. I would like to make one where all 40 horizontal and vertical words are valid. The set of available tiles contains:

  • 12 x E
  • 9 x A, I
  • 8 x O
  • 6 x N, R, T
  • 4 x D, L, S, U
  • 3 x G
  • 2 x B, C, F, H, M, P, V, W, Y, blank tile (wildcard)
  • 1 x K, J, Q, X, Z

The dictionary of valid words is available here (700KB). There are about 12,000 valid 5 letter words.

Here's an example where all 20 horizontal words are valid:

Z O W I E|P I N O T Y O G I N|O C t A D   <= blank being used as 't' X E B E C|N A L E D W A I T E|M E R L E V I N E R|L U T E A ---------+--------- U S N E A|K N O S P T A V E R|J O L E D S O F T A|I A M B I R I D G Y|H A I T h   <= blank being used as 'h' Q U R S H|G R O U F 

I'd like to create one where all the vertical ones are also valid. Can you help me solve this? It is not homework. It is a question a friend asked me for help with.

like image 482
moinudin Avatar asked Jan 31 '11 18:01


People also ask

What are the basic rules of Scrabble?

Always keep 7 tiles on each rack, unless there are not enough tiles left. The letters placed in a single turn must all be in a single horizontal row or in a single vertical column, and the letters placed (plus letters already on the board) must form a single word from the dictionary, with no gaps.

How do you count points in Scrabble?

The score value of each letter is indicated by a number at the bottom of the tile. The score value of a blank is zero. The score for each turn is the sum of the letter values in each word(s) formed or modified on that turn, plus the additional points obtained from placing letters on Premium Squares.

How does a Scrabble game end?

End of the Game According to the officially published rules of the Scrabble game, the game ends only when all of the letters from the letter bag have been drawn, and one of two things happens: a player uses all of their tiles, or all possible plays have been made on the board.

1 Answers

Final Edit: Solved! Here is a solution.


Here's a photo of it constructed with my scrabble set. http://twitpic.com/3wn7iu

This one was easy to find once I had the right approach, so I bet you could find many more this way. See below for methodology.

Construct a prefix tree from the dictionary of 5 letter words for each row and column. Recursively, a given tile placement is valid if it forms valid prefixes for its column and row, and if the tile is available, and if the next tile placement is valid. The base case is that it is valid if there is no tile left to place.

It probably makes sense to just find all valid 5x5 boards, like Glenn said, and see if any four of them can be combined. Recursing to a depth of 100 doesn't sound like fun.

Edit: Here is version 2 of my code for this.

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h>  typedef union node node; union node {     node* child[26];     char string[6]; };  typedef struct snap snap; struct snap {     node* rows[5];     node* cols[5];     char tiles[27];     snap* next; };  node* root; node* vtrie[5]; node* htrie[5]; snap* head;  char bag[27] = {9,2,2,4,12,2,3,2,9,1,1,4,2,6,8,2,1,6,4,6,4,2,2,1,2,1,2}; const char full_bag[27] = {9,2,2,4,12,2,3,2,9,1,1,4,2,6,8,2,1,6,4,6,4,2,2,1,2,1,2}; const char order[26] = {16,23,9,25,21,22,5,10,1,6,7,12,15,2,24,3,20,13,19,11,8,17,14,0,18,4};  void insert(char* string){     node* place = root;     int i;     for(i=0;i<5;i++){         if(place->child[string[i] - 'A'] == NULL){             int j;             place->child[string[i] - 'A'] = malloc(sizeof(node));             for(j=0;j<26;j++){                 place->child[string[i] - 'A']->child[j] = NULL;             }         }         place = place->child[string[i] - 'A'];     }     memcpy(place->string, string, 6); }  void check_four(){     snap *a, *b, *c, *d;     char two_total[27];     char three_total[27];     int i;     bool match;     a = head;     for(b = a->next; b != NULL; b = b->next){         for(i=0;i<27; i++)             two_total[i] = a->tiles[i] + b->tiles[i];         for(c = b->next; c != NULL; c = c->next){             for(i=0;i<27; i++)                 three_total[i] = two_total[i] + c->tiles[i];             for(d = c->next; d != NULL; d = d->next){                 match = true;                 for(i=0; i<27; i++){                     if(three_total[i] + d->tiles[i] != full_bag[i]){                         match = false;                         break;                     }                 }                 if(match){                     printf("\nBoard Found!\n\n");                     for(i=0;i<5;i++){                         printf("%s\n", a->rows[i]->string);                     }                     printf("\n");                     for(i=0;i<5;i++){                         printf("%s\n", b->rows[i]->string);                     }                     printf("\n");                     for(i=0;i<5;i++){                         printf("%s\n", c->rows[i]->string);                     }                     printf("\n");                     for(i=0;i<5;i++){                         printf("%s\n", d->rows[i]->string);                     }                     exit(0);                 }             }         }     } }  void snapshot(){     snap* shot = malloc(sizeof(snap));     int i;     for(i=0;i<5;i++){         printf("%s\n", htrie[i]->string);         shot->rows[i] = htrie[i];         shot->cols[i] = vtrie[i];     }     printf("\n");     for(i=0;i<27;i++){         shot->tiles[i] = full_bag[i] - bag[i];     }     bool transpose = false;     snap* place = head;     while(place != NULL && !transpose){         transpose = true;         for(i=0;i<5;i++){             if(shot->rows[i] != place->cols[i]){                 transpose = false;                 break;             }         }         place = place->next;     }     if(transpose){         free(shot);     }     else {         shot->next = head;         head = shot;         check_four();      } }  void pick(x, y){     if(y==5){         snapshot();         return;     }     int i, tile,nextx, nexty, nextz;     node* oldv = vtrie[x];     node* oldh = htrie[y];     if(x+1==5){         nexty = y+1;         nextx = 0;     } else {         nextx = x+1;         nexty = y;     }     for(i=0;i<26;i++){         if(vtrie[x]->child[order[i]]!=NULL &&            htrie[y]->child[order[i]]!=NULL &&            (tile = bag[i] ? i : bag[26] ? 26 : -1) + 1) {                 vtrie[x] = vtrie[x]->child[order[i]];                 htrie[y] = htrie[y]->child[order[i]];                 bag[tile]--;                  pick(nextx, nexty);                  vtrie[x] = oldv;                 htrie[y] = oldh;                 bag[tile]++;            }     } }  int main(int argc, char** argv){     root = malloc(sizeof(node));     FILE* wordlist = fopen("sowpods5letters.txt", "r");     head = NULL;     int i;     for(i=0;i<26;i++){         root->child[i] = NULL;     }     for(i=0;i<5;i++){         vtrie[i] = root;         htrie[i] = root;     }      char* string = malloc(sizeof(char)*6);     while(fscanf(wordlist, "%s", string) != EOF){         insert(string);     }     free(string);     fclose(wordlist);     pick(0,0);      return 0; } 

This tries the infrequent letters first, which I'm no longer sure is a good idea. It starts to get bogged down before it makes it out of the boards starting with x. After seeing how many 5x5 blocks there were I altered the code to just list out all the valid 5x5 blocks. I now have a 150 MB text file with all 4,430,974 5x5 solutions.

I also tried it with just recursing through the full 100 tiles, and that is still running.

Edit 2: Here is the list of all the valid 5x5 blocks I generated. http://web.cs.sunyit.edu/~levyt/solutions.rar

Edit 3: Hmm, seems there was a bug in my tile usage tracking, because I just found a block in my output file that uses 5 Zs.


Edit 4: Here is the final product.

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h>  typedef union node node; union node {     node* child[26];     char string[6]; };  node* root; node* vtrie[5]; node* htrie[5]; int score; int max_score;  char block_1[27] = {4,2,0,2, 2,0,0,0,2,1,0,0,2,1,2,0,1,2,0,0,2,0,0,1,0,1,0};//ZEBRA EQUID BUXOM RIOJA ADMAN char block_2[27] = {1,0,1,1, 4,2,2,1,3,0,1,2,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,1,0,1,0,0};//HOWFF AGILE CIVIL EVENT KEDGY char block_3[27] = {2,0,1,1, 1,0,1,1,4,0,0,0,0,3,2,2,0,2,0,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,0};//GNAWN RACHE IDIOT PINOT TRIPY                                                                             //JOULE EUROS STEAN TRAVE SOLES char bag[27] =     {9,2,2,4,12,2,3,2,9,1,1,4,2,6,8,2,1,6,4,6,4,2,2,1,2,1,2}; const char full_bag[27] = {9,2,2,4,12,2,3,2,9,1,1,4,2,6,8,2,1,6,4,6,4,2,2,1,2,1,2}; const char order[26] = {16,23,9,25,21,22,5,10,1,6,7,12,15,2,24,3,20,13,19,11,8,17,14,0,18,4}; const int value[27] = {244,862,678,564,226,1309,844,765,363,4656,909,414,691,463,333,687,11998,329,218,423,536,1944,1244,4673,639,3363,0};  void insert(char* string){     node* place = root;     int i;     for(i=0;i<5;i++){         if(place->child[string[i] - 'A'] == NULL){             int j;             place->child[string[i] - 'A'] = malloc(sizeof(node));             for(j=0;j<26;j++){                 place->child[string[i] - 'A']->child[j] = NULL;             }         }         place = place->child[string[i] - 'A'];     }     memcpy(place->string, string, 6); }  void snapshot(){     static int count = 0;     int i;     for(i=0;i<5;i++){         printf("%s\n", htrie[i]->string);     }     for(i=0;i<27;i++){             printf("%c%d ", 'A'+i, bag[i]);     }     printf("\n");     if(++count>=1000){         exit(0);     } }   void pick(x, y){     if(y==5){         if(score>max_score){             snapshot();             max_score = score;         }         return;     }     int i, tile,nextx, nexty;     node* oldv = vtrie[x];     node* oldh = htrie[y];     if(x+1==5){         nextx = 0;         nexty = y+1;     } else {         nextx = x+1;         nexty = y;     }     for(i=0;i<26;i++){         if(vtrie[x]->child[order[i]]!=NULL &&            htrie[y]->child[order[i]]!=NULL &&            (tile = bag[order[i]] ? order[i] : bag[26] ? 26 : -1) + 1) {                 vtrie[x] = vtrie[x]->child[order[i]];                 htrie[y] = htrie[y]->child[order[i]];                 bag[tile]--;                 score+=value[tile];                  pick(nextx, nexty);                  vtrie[x] = oldv;                 htrie[y] = oldh;                 bag[tile]++;                 score-=value[tile];            }     } }  int main(int argc, char** argv){     root = malloc(sizeof(node));     FILE* wordlist = fopen("sowpods5letters.txt", "r");     score = 0;     max_score = 0;     int i;     for(i=0;i<26;i++){         root->child[i] = NULL;     }     for(i=0;i<5;i++){         vtrie[i] = root;         htrie[i] = root;     }     for(i=0;i<27;i++){         bag[i] = bag[i] - block_1[i];         bag[i] = bag[i] - block_2[i];         bag[i] = bag[i] - block_3[i];          printf("%c%d ", 'A'+i, bag[i]);     }      char* string = malloc(sizeof(char)*6);     while(fscanf(wordlist, "%s", string) != EOF){         insert(string);     }     free(string);     fclose(wordlist);     pick(0,0);      return 0; } 

After finding out how many blocks there were (nearly 2 billion and still counting), I switched to trying to find certain types of blocks, in particular the difficult to construct ones using uncommon letters. My hope was that if I ended up with a benign enough set of letters going in to the last block, the vast space of valid blocks would probably have one for that set of letters.

I assigned each tile a value inversely proportional to the number of 5 letter words it appears in. Then, when I found a valid block I would sum up the tile values, and if the score was the best I had yet seen, I would print out the block.

For the first block I removed the blank tiles, figuring that the last block would need that flexibility the most. After letting it run until I had not seen a better block appear for some time, I selected the best block, and removed the tiles in it from the bag, and ran the program again, getting the second block. I repeated this for the 3rd block. Then for the last block I added the blanks back in and used the first valid block it found.

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Null Set Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Null Set