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Scope of Static Class Variables in Java

I have a static object defined in my logging class, along the lines of:

   class myLoggingClass {
     static java.util.Properties properties;

According to my reference book, this means that the properties object is shared by all instances of my class.

I find this definition insufficient. I'm writing a class that is being invoked more than once in each application on our project.

Further, our project uses several web services running in the same tomcat container. Each web service may have multiple threads.

The Java Virtual Machine running on the host may also run one or more web service client applications, which run external to tomcat.

So by this definition, I may have tomcat running multiple web services with threads, each having several objects, which may contain an instance of my class.

There may also be one or two web clients running outside of tomcat, but within the same JVM. Would all of these instances of my class share the same properties object? That would make it JVM-wide.

If the static object is not JVM-wide, does anyone know at what level each one would exist? One per tomcat container? One per web service, and one per standalone web service client application?

The reason: When I update my properties, I'm getting a java.lang.ConcurrentUpdateException from java.util.Properties.

I'm using a static boolean variable to "lock" the properties object when my class updates it, but this is not keeping the exception from occurring.

This leads me to believe that the static object used in my class may not be at the same scoping level as the one used in java.util.Properties... But that's just a guess.

Thanks for any help.

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Scott C. Avatar asked Sep 09 '09 20:09

Scott C.

People also ask

What is the scope of static variables in Java?

When an instance variable is declared using the keyword static is known as a static variable. Their scope is class level but visible to the method, constructor, or block that is defined inside the class.

What is the scope of a static variable?

The scope of the static local variable will be the same as the automatic local variables, but its memory will be available throughout the program execution. When the function modifies the value of the static local variable during one function call, then it will remain the same even during the next function call.

What is the scope of class variable in Java?

What is the Scope of a Variable in Java? Every variable used in a programming language holds a scope. The scope tells the compiler about the segment within a program where the variable is accessible or used. Programmers can scope the variables lexically or statically in the case of Java variables.

What is the scope and longevity of static variables?

The space for the static variable is allocated only one time and this is used for the entirety of the program. Once this variable is declared, it exists till the program executes. So, the lifetime of a static variable is the lifetime of the program.

2 Answers

Statics aren't "shared by all instances of a class" - they're unrelated to instances; they belong to the type itself. In particular, static variables are perfectly usable without any instances being created.

That gives a clue as to the scope of statics: they're scoped by the Class object representing the containing class, which is in turn scoped by the ClassLoader that loaded it.

Depending on where the library is placed, the static variable may be JVM-wide or web-application wide - or possibly something in between, if Tomcat supports multiple hosting (I can't remember offhand).

Look at the Tomcat documentation for how the libraries are laid out and how they relate to class loaders. For example, here's the Tomcat 6.0 ClassLoader how-to guide, and the equivalent for 5.5.

How does your Boolean "lock" work? You should really use a proper lock (synchronized) to make sure that every use of the properties object (both read and write, including locking for the whole period during which you iterate through it) is appropriately locked.

Instead of changing the "live" Properties object, have you considered treating that as immutable - so when you want to update the properties, you take a copy, change that, and then make the copy the "live" version? You'd still need to prevent two different threads from making changes at the same time (or you'd lose some) but it's likely to make the reading side a lot easier and more efficient.

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 14:10

Jon Skeet

You may find that the scope of such a static variable is limited to one per ClassLoader that has loaded your class. I'm not sure how Tomcat arranges its ClassLoaders, so it's hard to say what the extent of the scope will be in that environment.

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Greg Hewgill Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 12:10

Greg Hewgill