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Scope but error message ArgumentError: tried to create Proc object without a block

I am tring to create a scope which find out all contacts with 0 address. Got error message ArgumentError: tried to create Proc object without a block when running command 'Contact.noaddress' in rails c.

Here is my contact model including scope:

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :email, :firstname, :lastname, :mobilephone, :fullname
  has_many :addresses
  validates_presence_of :firstname, :lastname

   scope :noaddressed, lambda do |addresses|
    joins(:addresses).where('addresses.created_at.empty?', true)

and here's address model

class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :city, :country, :postalcode, :region, :street
  belongs_to :contact

Could somebody help me please?

like image 589
Ray-Von-Mice Avatar asked Apr 15 '13 13:04


1 Answers

It sounds like a (precedence issue?) referenced here.

If you change the scope to:

scope :noaddresses, (lambda do
  joins(:addresses).where('addresses.created_at is null')


scope :noaddresses, lambda { joins(:addresses).where('addresses.created_at is null') }

Also, I don't see where you're using the block argument |addresses|. Did you forget to use it? Otherwise, you can remove it and its surrounding pipes.

Updated: I removed the |addresses| argument and updated the query to be valid SQL syntax.

like image 161
stringsn88keys Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 07:11
