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Scipy & Optimize: Minimize example, how to add constraints?




I have a dataset, and I'd like to find a mixed gaussian model by least square error method.

The code is like this:

from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
kde = KernelDensity().fit(sample)

def gaussian_2d(x,y,meanx,meany,sigx,sigy,rho):
    # rho <= 1
    part1 = 1/(2*np.pi*sigx*sigy*sqrt(1-0.5**2))
    part2 = -1/2*(1-rho**2)
    part3 = (((x-meanx)/sigx)**2-2*rho*(x-meanx)*(y-meany)/(sigx*sigy)+((y-meany)/sigy)**2)
    return part1*exp(part2*part3)

def square_error(f1,f2, u1,v1,sigu1,sigv1,rho1, u2,v2,sigu2,sigv2,rho2, u3,v3,sigu3,sigv3,rho3):
    # 1. Generate Mixed Gaussian Model
    def gaussian1(x,y):
        return gaussian_2d(x,y,u1,v1,sigu1,sigv1,rho1)
    def gaussian2(x,y):
        return gaussian_2d(x,y,u2,v2,sigu2,sigv2,rho2)
    def gaussian3(x,y):
        return gaussian_2d(x,y,u3,v3,sigu3,sigv3,rho3)
    mixed_model = f1*gaussian1(x,y)+f2*gaussian2(x,y)+(1-f1-f2)*gaussian3(x,y)
    # 2. Calculate the sum of square error
    sum_error = 0
    for point in sample:
        error = (exp(mixed_model(point)) - exp(kde.score(point)))**2
        sum_error += error
    return sum_error

# How can I add constraints:
# f1+f2 <= 1
# rho1,2,3 <= 1
result = sp.optimize.minimize(square_error)

But I don't know how to add constrains in minimize method. The example in http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.minimize.html#scipy.optimize.minimize is very hard to understand.

UPDATE: This is what I end up with,

result = sp.optimize.minimize(
    x0 = [0.2,0.5,
    bounds = [(0., 1.),(0., 1.),
              (None, None),(None, None),(0., None),(0., None),(0., 1.),
              (None, None),(None, None),(0., None),(0., None),(0., 1.),
              (None, None),(None, None),(0., None),(0., None),(0., 1.),])

But it gives me TypeError: square_error() takes exactly 17 arguments (1 given), what's the problem?

like image 461
cqcn1991 Avatar asked Oct 31 '22 19:10


1 Answers

You can add only add bounds if the solver supports them, so only for method='L-BFGS-B', TNC and SLSQP.

The bounds are passed via a sequence of (min, max) tuples whose length corresponds to the number of your parameters. An example for fitting with 3 parameters would be:

result = sp.optimize.minimize(
                        bounds=[(0., 5.), (None, 1.e4), (None, None)])

Here, None corresponds to no bound. I'm afraid that constraints on a combination of parameters such as f1+f2 <= 1 in your example is not possible within the framework of bounds in scipy.minimize.

You can, however, simply return np.inf in your cost function if your bounds are violated. I'm not sure about the stability of this, though:

def square_error(f1,f2, other_args):
    if f1+f2 <= 1:
        return np.inf
    # rest of the cost function

Moreover, I'd suggest to use the python implementation of multivariate Gaussians instead of creating them from scratch. That will speed up your fitting, help to avoid bugs and be more readable.

like image 147
Daniel Lenz Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 17:11

Daniel Lenz